5 LinkedIn Mistakes That Are Bad for Business

LinkedIn is not just a platform for personal, professional connections. It is also an exceptional tool for promoting your business.

With LinkedIn’s Company Page feature, users can learn about your business, brand, and job opportunities. They can find out where your business is, who works there, what your specialties are, and much more.

However, this tool only performs well if you use it properly. So, we’ve made a list of five mistakes that many organizations make on LinkedIn that actually hurt business rather than help it. They are:

  1. Not adding keywords to the specialty section

LinkedIn allows you to add keywords to your company page under a section called “specialties”. By entering your keywords, you make it easier for users who use those words when searching on LinkedIn to find your page. For example, if you own an Italian restaurant, you would enter keywords like “fresh pasta” or “Italian food”. Now when people search for those terms, your company will appear in their search results.

  1. Employees not being connected to your business page

The more employees that are connected to your business page, the more exposure your company gets. When a LinkedIn user visits the page of one of your employee’s, they are able to see your business and logo on their profile under that employee’s “Experience”. Also, when your employees are connected to your company page, they are more likely to share updates and content out to their personal networks. This expands your reach exponentially, so it’s a no-brainer!

  1. Not listing products or services

Many companies on LinkedIn provide a summary of their business on their page. They often include things like business history, what industry they are in, and available job opportunities. But did you know that you can also include products and services on your company page? This is what LinkedIn calls a “Showcase Page”, and it is essentially an extension of your company page. A showcase page allows you to highlight a particular product line or brand. So, for example, if you are a company that sells home furniture, you could have a showcase page for appliances, another for décor, and another for living room furnishings. This enables people to not only find your business on LinkedIn, but also the specific things you have to offer.

  1. Dropping the ball on company culture

Did you know that over 75 percent of people who recently changed jobs used LinkedIn to inform their decision? Whether or not a potential employee applies using LinkedIn, they still research businesses and opportunities there. In today’s age, company culture plays a monumental role in that decision-making process. 53 percent of millennials say the number one thing they need to stay with their current employer is “having their passions and talents used to the fullest”. Does your business promote this kind of atmosphere online? Why not highlight an employee’s achievements on your company page? Or highlight your business’ initiative to provide continued learning opportunities? These types of efforts show that you value your employees and care about providing a positive working environment – something that is extremely enticing to prospective employees!

  1. A missing button

Does your company website have a button that encourages visitors to follow you on LinkedIn? If not, you are overlooking one of the easiest ways to create organic traffic to your LinkedIn page. Sometimes, people simply don’t know you’re on LinkedIn! Putting a button on your webpage is a nearly effortless way to inform them. You can also share content from LinkedIn on other social media platforms to let your connections know they can interact with you on your business page. The more cross-promotion you do, the more likely people are to follow the crumb trail and engage on all of your accounts.

By correcting these five mistakes, you will be well on your way to a more productive, engaging LinkedIn presence. And the stronger your presence is, the stronger your business will be!


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