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How Online Calendar Bookings Will Help You to Market to Gen Z

What’s your method of choice: email, phone calls, or online services? If you were to ask anyone who identifies as a Gen Z, making a phone call to book a service appointment would be a last resort option. As a generation who have grown up with technology and the rise of the internet, there has been a shift in communication habits. Similar to breaking the glass fire extinguisher box, phone calls are framed as only do so in the case of an emergency. 

The same butterfly feeling you get before public speaking is one that Millenials and Gen Z feel about speaking on the phone for business as it sparks feelings of anxiety. But what does this mean for the future of marketing?

The Pew Research Center defines Gen Z as anyone born between 1997 and 2012, making Gen Zers your key target audience. If you are seeing a dip in calls, it’s time to consider online calendar bookings.

What are the benefits of an online booking calendar?

If your business drives consultations and service bookings, an online calendar can help you to better manage your time and speed up the service responses. Many people feel limited to working within the set business hours but may not have the time to set aside to call for an appointment. An online calendar can be beneficial to your business, while also creating value for your customer.

Did you know that many Gen Zers will leave a service page to look for competitors who have online booking services? The shift away from face-to-face or over-the-phone business comes a response to pursuing value and quality. When it comes to marketing for Gen Z, they want to get the most out of their money and see their time being respected. Think about it, how many times have you had to put off making plans because you’re waiting on a call?

If you are on the fence about adding an online booking tool to your website, consider the benefits:

  • Save time: Regardless of the time of day, your online booking tool is available whenever people are ready to book. With set days and times to choose from, they can find the time that works best and include clear feedback about what they are looking for. If it saves them time, your customers are more likely to pay more for convenience.
  • Efficient customer service: What could your team do with more time in the day without excess phone calls? Online bookings allow for more clarity about what they are looking for, when they need it by, and how you can help. You will be able to better serve your customers without fear of missing out on business to your competitors.
  • Reduce double bookings: Online bookings are often framed as a complicated process that does more harm than good. Relax, they are designed to alleviate stress, not make a mess of your business calendar. With set parameters that work with your schedule, you can reduce the risk of double bookings and missing details.
  • Seamless integration: Our online booking systems can integrate with your existing Google or iCloud calendars, making it easy to access all in one place. There is no extra leg work for you or the customer apart from preparing for a session.
  • Increase value: How can you better serve your customers? Online bookings can be easily linked to reminder systems, making it easier for your customers to remember a session, payment, survey, or future promotions.

Update Your Website Today

Ready for a change? Our team is here to help you get the most out of your website to ensure you can reach your goals and see results. Contact us today to discuss adding an online booking system to your website.

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