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5 Powerful and Outstanding Examples of Online Ads To Inspire You

Online Ads Gone Right

Has your business taken the plunge into the world of online advertising yet?

Are you knocking at the door of 2020’s digital age, opening it just a crack, and taking a peek at what’s hiding inside?

Or are you already at the party, pouring a cold one and waiting for someone to pass the guac?

Whether you’ve already hopped on the online advertising train, or are still deciding whether or not to buy a ticket, there’s no doubt that these 5 powerful examples of online ads are a sure-fire way to get you excited about advertising online in 2020.

1. Bachelorette Bash, Anyone?

Norwegian Cruise Line is pouring the mimosas and we’re not mad about it.

Through the robust targeting power of online advertising, Norwegian Cruise Lines is able to deliver a strategically tailored message to an incredibly relevant target audience.

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Norwegian Cruise Lines targets women in bridal parties

This wanderlust-inspiring online ad example suggests the idea of booking a cruise for the last fling before the ring to individuals who have recently visited websites or read articles about planning a bachelorette party.

The language is carefully tailored to a specific audience with mention of mimosas and the use of the word bash, which makes the users truly feel like the message was meant just for them.

2. Cleverly Convincing

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A series of online ads by Spotify

Online streaming service, Spotify, shows ads featuring words of praise for their premium paid service from happy customers.

These online ads are served up to individuals who visited or used Spotify’s free version, but have now left the app.

The simple yet grabbing online ads work to move the prospective customer along the buying journey by clearly communicating a number of brightly-coloured benefits.

This strategy effectively works to encourage purchase and keep the product top-of-mind.

3. Starry Night

Premium stock image provider, Adobe, makes great use of a simple yet captivating image to grab the user’s attention with this impressive online ad.

The most brilliant part?

The visitor who was shown this online ad hadn’t ever searched or visited Adobe’s brand or website, but instead, one of it’s competitors.

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Adobe targets individuals who have visited their competitor’s sites

By crafting an online advertising strategy that targets individuals who have visited their competitor’s sites, Adobe is able to effectively build awareness of it’s service and effectively presents itself as an alternative.

To really seal the deal, Adobe even dangles a delicious proverbial carrot in front of their potential customers with the offer of 10 free images as a convincing incentive.

4. Happy New Year!

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Structube’s online ad campaign promoting it’s New Years sale

Planning a blow-out sale? The launch of happy hour? Clearing out last year’s models?

Canadian furniture retailer, Structube‘s bright banner ads encourage shoppers who have previously browsed furniture online to take advantage of a limited time sale.

This online ad’s relevance, eye-catching design and clear call-to-action all work to effectively encourage interested buyers to just go on and get that coffee table they’ve had their eye on!

5. We Should Do This Again

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Refinery 29’s online ad set asks for a second date

Digital publishing platform, Refinery 29, encourages website visitors to sign up for their e-mail list in hopes of interesting them with new and exciting articles.

As social media platforms continue to limit how many of your followers they actually show your posts to, building a loyal and engaged audience over e-mail has proven to be a much more effective solution to connecting with your brand’s fans.

Work With Us

As a certified Google partner and premier online ad agency in Edmonton, Alberta, we proudly craft effective digital marketing strategies to fit budgets of all sizes.

Are you interested in learning more about how a customized online ad campaign can help your business grow?

Connect with one of our experienced digital marketing professionals today to start the conversation.

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