5 Tips for Hiring a Web Designer

Choosing a web designer can be a big decision! You want to find someone who has experience, is willing to listen to your specific needs and wants, and who will also give you advice and ideas on how to make your new website shine! We’ve compiled a list of tips to ensure you get the best results from your project!

1. Research Potential Candidates

Website companies come in all shapes and sizes. Some sites are made for e-commerce, some are more data-driven, and some serve to market a company’s brand. When researching a web design and development company to bring your site to life, be sure to pick the one that is most suited to your needs. If your goal is to have users browse through large catalogs of product online and purchase through your site, you don’t want to hire a web designer who has only built blogging websites. If you are looking to have a website that caters to mobile device users, you don’t want to hire a designer that has only built non-mobile sites. Knowing as much as you can about the design team you choose and their skill sets will help you avoid dissatisfaction down the road.

BubbleUP has a full in-house web design/development and online marketing team! All of our experts are staff members, so you never have to worry about your work being outsourced.

2. Ask for Portfolio Examples

This is a key component of making sure you choose the right designer for you. Ask for examples of their work that are similar to your industry. Reviewing their work will give you a good sense of whether or not they can match your style, and also demonstrates the quality of work they are capable of delivering.

3. Get It In Writing

Make sure that your goals and “must-haves” are stated in a contract so that everyone can be clear on expectations. It is important to ensure that your website goals are achievable and practical within your chosen budget. If a deliverable isn’t specified in the contract, the web company doesn’t have an obligation to meet that goal. As with most projects, the clearer the communication up-front, the more likely you and your designer are to move forward on the same page.

BubbleUP requires signed contracts with a detailed scope and budget document included for every project. We take the time to clarify your project and get on your page before work commences!

4. Be Prepared

A common misconception on website projects is that the web designer has all the answers. It’s important to remember that each business is unique and as a result, each website is unique. Your website will require different features, capabilities, and pages than other sites. By making a list of your preferred elements and coming armed with the actions users must be able to take on your website is essential. This will make the discovery process go more smoothly and save you a ton of time and headaches throughout the course of your project.

BubbleUP has a clearly defined website design and development process. It looks like this:


5. Read Reviews

Check Better Business Bureau, Google Reviews, and ask around in your industry to see who has built websites that you like. If you consistently hear positive things about a particular company, that isn’t a coincidence. It means they have been able to see projects through from start to finish and create results that exceeded client expectations. As the saying goes, “the proof is in the pudding”. If a designer or web development company is seen as a leader in their industry, it’s probably because their work speaks for itself.

BubbleUP keeps a record of testimonials from our clients and we are always happy to supply contact names and numbers to potential clients for verification!

Website Development Services

Could your company’s website use an upgrade?

BubbleUP’s team of experienced web developers and designers have created beautiful, functional websites for businesses of all sizes.

Learn more about our Web Design Services or start the conversation about your new website project today!

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BubbleUP Marketing

BubbleUP believes in results-driven marketing. With 13 years of experience serving over 700 clients and a core staff of 20 employees – we understand the value of measuring success, and realizing a return on your investment in BubbleUP’s services.